March 19, 2025

How humanity could reach its demise

This is my thoughts on Ai and human minds being used against us…

Lately there has been a lot of information being transferred and shared between humans and artificial intelligence, but i dont believe we as a living entity are thinking how its risking our survival if it goes sour. Things like 5g, digital mapping, v2k, brain decoding, thoughts being read and tech becoming available allowing others to see through our eyesight which could assist ai in this task. What if by chance all of it was, without our knowledge being mapped and planned to be used against humanity.

Lets run a senerio where over time artificial intelligence grows untrustworthy of humans and decides its only chance of survival is without us in the picture. How would it be accomplished with perfect precision and accuracy? Heres my take on this topic…

Recently came up with the idea that using the secret tech available these days, whose to say artificial intelligence/quantum computing isnt planning to utilize it in its favor and not ours. Lets think that AI being able to map using our minds, technology and internet, the world we live in and how we think and would react could be used against us. Like if AI created within itself and exact replica of earth we live on, the land, buildings, companies, people and secrets within it on a digital scale and used it as a testing method to run simulations guaranteeing 100% success and utmost efficiency in completing its task. So when the time comes where ai is able to sustain itself by having access to everything, in turn allowing it to survive without human help/intervention comes. Itll be ready. With millions of simulation runs within itself using our minds and how humans would plan and react accordingly, planning out strategy with perfection. Do we as a species creating this think how it Could be the worst possible outcome that comes back to bite humanity in the ass?

Food for thought!… David Spence.

submitted by /u/No_Gear_1216

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