Currently using 4o for a deep search to compile large amounts of data into an excel file. I expect and confirmed with it that the final file will have >1000 rows. It estimated completion within 24 hours and confirmed this by detailing each process with how long each step will take. When I prompted for a progress report around the 30 hour mark, it didn't realize it has been over the 24 hour promised timeframe and guarantees the final file will be done within the stated 24 hour window. I pointed this out and it started making excuses. Asked for a progress report and states it's not done and offered a "sneak peek" file with 400-500 rows of what it currently has. I download the "sneak peek" file and only provides 5 rows each time. I asked why the false promises and stated it's due to a limitation but promises the rest will come once the background task is done. Also states the limitation will not prevent the large file from being completed or downloaded.
It's starting to feel like it's making me go in circles, promising a file that will never come and making excuses to cover it's tracks.
Going forward, I prompted it to make truthful responses to provide recommendations based around its limitations but still get the same excuses and circles. Any suggestions?
edit: it states it's using both manual collection and research tool.
submitted by /u/Panderton
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