March 4, 2025

Changelog · Prodigy · An annotation tool for AI, Machine Learning & NLP

This page lists the history of changes to Prodigy. Whenever a new update is
available, you’ll receive an email notification sent to the address specified
at checkout. You can then download the new version via your personal
download link. If your free upgrades expired, you can now add 12 months of
updates to your license via our online shop. Please allow up to 24 hours
for your license key to be activated for the new versions.

This release includes new features for editing text during span annotation and customizing individual UI messages and translations. We’ve also improved the support for custom JavaScript with additional helper functions and event listeners.

Screenshot of text editing in NER interface and custom event hook code

new Text editing feature for span annotation and --edit-text setting in ner.manual and spans.manual with customizable event hook to regenerate and retokenize examples on the back-end.
new Support custom UI messages and localization via ui_lang_locale config setting.
new Expose to programmatically save progress from JavaScript.
new Add prodigyload JavaScript event that fires when app has mounted and custom JavaScript and/or CSS have loaded and prodigysave that fires when answers are saved manually by the user.
new Always expose window.prodigy, even if no custom JavaScript is provided.
new Add tokenize_example helper for adding tokens to a single example.
new Add exclude_urls argument to fetch_media preprocessor to preserve URLs and only fetch base64 data for local paths.
fix Fix crypto.randomUUID error that could occur on the front-end by changing UUID generation.
fix Fix loading of custom JavaScript and CSS so it’s added even if no tasks are available.
doc Documentation sections on text editing for named entity recognition and span categorization.
doc Docs on inspecting what the web app sees for recipe development and debugging.
doc Document Stream.from_iterable classmethod for creating Stream object from iterable of tasks.
fyi Bumped uvicorn dependency to allow < 0.35
fix Make sure pages does not throw a type error or fall back to text in case of a longer loading time (for large PDF files and/or slower machines).
fix Add filename as text in Server loaders` tasks to make sure it appears in the History side panel.
fix Fix a regression introduced in version 1.17.0 where a validation error was thrown when text : None was specified in the choice block configuration.
fix Fix pages UI thumbnail rendering and scroll behavior.

This update features a brand new container interface, pages, to split a single annotation task over multiple sections, and even combine different interfaces, without losing the simplicity and efficiency of Prodigy’s card-based design. Paginated data can be loaded directly from JSON or from a simple file format and is already supported across all relevant built-in annotation recipes and in the Prodigy-PDF plugin.

Screenshot of the pages interface and data formats

new pages interface for multi-page tasks like longer documents, PDFs or collections of images.
new Pages loader for loading paginated files and support for --loader pages and paginated input data across relevant built-in recipes.
new split_pages and merge_pages preprocessors and support for pages in train and data-to-spacy.
fix Enhance front-end validation of task data to provide more helpful error messages in the UI.
doc Update documentation on custom interfaces, computer vision for PDFs, and NER with long texts.
fyi "video" content must now be explicitly set to None in choice configuration when used in blocks to prevent it from being rendered twice.
fyi "pages" and "page_titles" are now a protected keys in the JSON data (like "text") and you should avoid using them for anything that’s not paginated examples.
fyi Properties in a JSON task’s "meta" that start with an underscore _ are now considered internal and not displayed in the annotation interface.

For this release, we’ve removed all Cython-compiled source code and are now shipping Prodigy as cross-platform Python wheels, which makes it easier to develop custom recipes and improves type checking and IDE support. The update also includes several front-end fixes, like the restoration of the timeline for the audio interface and enabling wrapping of versions in review. On the backend, we’ve refactored drop to mitigate issues related to SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER.

fyi Prodigy is now distributed as pure Python wheels without compiled Cython.
fix Restore timeline functionality for the audio interface.
fix Enable wrapping of versions in the review interface.
fix Improve llm.fetch family of recipes by adding the default accept answer.
fix Improve the drop logic to mitigate potential issues with SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER.

This patch release restores the possibility to return an instance of the Controller object from the recipe.

fix Re-enable returning Controller object from the recipe.

This patch release fixes a bug in training config generation for the default textcat and textcat-multilabel spaCy components.

fix Training config generation for textcat and textcat-multilabel.

This patch release pins the version of numpy to <2.0.0 to avoid installation
issues due to backwards-incompatible change introduced in numpy 2.0.0.

This patch release updates the version of wavesurfer.js dependency, fixing a
regression in audio.manual that prevented marking regions to the left of
the cursor.

fix Restore marking regions to the left of the cursos in audio.manual.
fyi Updated wavesurfer.js to ^7.7.15

This patch release fixes a few bugs in review, rel.manual and

metrics.iaa.doc recipes.

fix Support non string labels in metric.iaa.doc.
fix Fix token disabling via _ property patterns in relations.
fix Fix the stream generation in review so that the relations annotations that differ in order only are not shown as different.

This release adds support for fastapi up to 0.111.0.

new Allow for fastapi<0.111.0.
fix Fix the issue with accept_single flag not filtering the tasks annotated by a single annotator correctly in review.
fyi Make the No tasks available screen more informative.

This patch release updates ab.llm.tournament recipe to spacy-llm >=

fix Update the processing of the model’s response in ab.llm.tournament to spacy-llm >= 0.7.0 .
fyi Internal refactoring of dataset processing to support prodigy-evaluate plugin .

This release improves the training config generation used by train,

train-curve and data-to-spacy by fixing a bug that previously
prevented the use of transformer spaCy pipelines as base models. Additionally,
the sourcing of the tokenizer from the base model is now automated. We have also
bumped uvicorn dependency to allow <0.27.

new Automate the sourcing of the tokenizer from the base model.
new Allow for uvicorn <0.27.
fix Allow transformer as the embedding layer for spaCy base model.

This release adds support for the new Prodigy Company Plugins
package that can be downloaded with a Company License. This first
premium plugin for SSO (Single Sign-On) features OIDC authentication across a
variety of providers, including Auth0, Okta, Google, Microsoft Entra, and more.
For more details on the new company features see the OIDC docs.

new Add support for prodigy-company-license 0.1.0

This update allows Prodigy to use spacy-llm <1.0.0 with its
recent addition of
new tasks including
entity linking and
translation, as well as
support for arbitrarily long docs.

new Allow spacy-llm <1.0.0.

This update fixes the recipe config override from the task level so that the
view_id attribute can be updated. It is now possible to design data streams
with different view_ids without requiring a server restart.

fix It is now possible to overwrite view_id (and other config atrributes) from the task level.
new Added a “Support” column to metric.iaa.span result table to represent that number of examples on which the metric was calculated.

This patch release restores the functionality of the audio_rate setting. We
have also upgraded our wavesurfer.js dependency to 7.4.4 which is related to
the deprecation of the show_audio_timeline setting and a slight change in how
the sound waves are rendered in the UI. We’re also excited to announce a new
plugin for image segmentation that leverages Meta’s
Segment Anything model.

new Updated wavesurfer.js dependency to 7.4.4.
new Added a new window.prodigy.resetQueue method available in the frontend, meant to be used together with custom events.
fix Fixed audio_rate setting for audio recipes.
fyi Deprecated the show_audio_timeline setting due to wavesurfer.js upgrade.
doc Updated the custom recipes section to contain examples that leverage radicli instead of plac.

This patch release adds support for Python 3.12 and fixes a regression related
to the prodigy.serve function introduced during the transition to radicli.
Additionally, it restores the functionality of using stdin as a source.

new Added support for Python 3.12.
new Added the Controller.reset_stream method to allow custom recipes to reset the stream
fix Fixed CLI argument proccessing in prodigy.serve to make it compatible with radicli.
fix Restored the use of stdin as source.

This patch release fixes inferring exclusive labels from spaCy textcat models.

fix Fixed checking for exclusive labels in spaCy textcat models.

This patch release updates Prodigy to use spacy-llm <0.7.0.

new Alow spacy-llm <0.7.0.

This patch release fixes a bug when sourcing custom JavaScript from a string.

fix Fixed a bug related to injecting inline JavaScript.

This release adds an extra validation step to some textcat recipes to make sure
no empty annotations are written into the database. This behavior can be turned
off with a flag if users prefer the original behavior.

new Added validation for empty annotations for exclusive textcat models in textcat.manual and textcat.correct.
new Added --accept_empty flag to textcat.manual and textcat.correct to turn off the new validation.
fix Fixed a bug in texcat.correct that mistook exclusive textcat models for non-exclusive ones.
fix Fixed a runtime error when combining the PatternMatcher with an nlp model in textcat recipes.
fix Corrected the spelling of spaCy in the output of the stats command.

This release updates Prodigy to be compatible with spaCy >=3.1.1,<3.8.0 and
Pydantic >=1.10.8,<3.0.

new Updated spacy and pydantic dependencies.

This release adds an improved character highlighting feature for

ner_manual and spans_manual that allows for switching between character and token
highlighting from the UI, while annotating.

We have also facilitated developing with custom css and javascript by adding
support for mounting css and javascript files from local directories and remote

new Added a toggle for switching between character and token highlighting in ner_manual and spans_manual UIs.
new Support mounting CSS and JS code from local directories and remote URLs.
fix Fixed annotator filtering in IAA recipes.

This patch release improves error messages and fixes a bug in spacy-config
that prevented to config to be saved on disk properly.

fix Improve error messages for iaa and stream modules.
fix Fixed an issue with saving the config file to disc in spacy-config

This release adds two new commands for computing inter-annotator agreement for
document level and token level annotations. We also introduce Prodigy Plugins:
Prodigy-ANN and
Prodigy-LUNR. Prodigy Plugins are
add-ons that extend Prodigy’s functionality with third party libraries. They are
open source and can be installed separately to be used with 1.14.3 and above.

new Inter annotator agreement for document level and token level annotations.
fyi Prodigy Plugins for PDF processing and selecting relevant subsets of data.
fix Fixed the display of the history in the sidebar.
fix Fixed the truncated display of the available recipes outputted by the prodigy command.
doc Added a new section on inter annotator agreement metrics.
doc Added a new section on Prodigy Plugins.

This patch update addresses a backward compatibility issue that was introduced
in version 1.14.0, where the get_labels helper function was removed
potentially affecting custom recipes.

fix Restored get_label function for backward compatibility.

This release adds support for custom
Recipe Event Hooks to allow for basic
interactivity in custom Prodigy Recipes. It adds a new window.prodigy.event
function to the window.prodigy object available for use in Custom Recipe
JavaScript. This completes the initial work on an ongoing, undocumented feature
we’ve been using for a while.

new Added support for basic interface interactivity via custom event hooks.

This release focuses on improving Prodigy internals. We have substituted plac
with radicli for CLI development which
brings DX improvements such as using type hints for argument parsing including
support for custom types as well as custom CLI errors. Please check radicli
documentation for a complete overview of

Higher versions of pydantic (<3.0), fastapi (<0.103.0) and spacy-llm
(<0.6.0) dependencies are now supported. Since spacy-llm 0.5.0 adds support
for chain-of-thought prompting, there’s
now a corresponding section in the
docs with examples.

We have also improved typing and error handling across Prodigy.

Finally, some of the older, deprecated helper functions are no longer available:

  • Reddit dataset loader
  • read_jsonl, write_jsonl, read_json, b64_uri_to_bytes,
    pretty_print_ner, pretty_print_tc
new Improved CLI by substituting plac with radicli.
new Allowed latest versions of pydantic, fastapi and spacy-llm.
doc Added LLM section with explainers for chain of thought prompts for NER and spancat.
fyi Deprecated Reddit loader and older helpers: read_jsonl, write_jsonl, read_json, b64_uri_to_bytes, pretty_print_ner, pretty_print_tc.

This patch release fixes a bug in the review recipe which prevented
overwriting view-id attribute on CLI. This is particularly relevant when using
datasets with block view-id as input to review, including the
output of *.llm.correct recipes.

fix Fixed a bug in review that didn’t permit overwriting view-id attribute for blocks interface.

This release introduces spacy-llm variants of terms.openai.fetch and

ab.openai.tournament recipes. The terms.llm.fetch recipe can generate terms and
phrases using an LLM. And the ab.llm.tournament recipe can be used for prompt engineering
and/or comparing different LLM backends. This means that we now have replacements for all the
*.openai.* recipes, which is why they now all carry deprecation notices.

We have also added a new annotation interface llm-io to facilitate
writing custom LLM recipes and fixed a task router bug related to server

new Added terms.llm.fetch which can use spacy-llm to fetch relevant phrases and terms.
new Added ab.llm.tournament which can be used for prompt engineering and comparing LLM backends.
new Added llm-io interface to show the prompt/response from an LLM.
fix Fixed a bug that caused inconsistencies in task routers when dealing with many server restarts.
fyi All the *.openai.* recipes now carry deprecation warnings, because there are spacy-llm variants to replace them.

This release introduces recipes that allow spaCy pipelines to annotate examples.
When you combine these recipes with the review recipe, you’re able to
focus on examples where models disagree.

This pattern is powerful because these examples typically carry a lot of
information for your model. But it is also very useful given the spaCy-LLM
integration introduced in v1.13.0, which makes it relatively easy to compare
your own model against an LLM pipeline.

This release introduces support for
spacy-llm, which gives an even
wider support for large language models for NER, textcat and spancat
annotations. Future recipes that leverage large language models will also use
the spaCy-LLM backend and the OpenAI recipes will be deprecated.

This release fixes the issue where DatasetSource, GeneratorSource and
ListSource might end up in erroneous state at the end of the iteration due to
incorrect position resetting. This would also lead to unexpected progress bar

fix Remove position reset when closing DatasetSource, GeneratorSource and ListSource.

This release fixes intermittent MySQL integrity errors during bulk DB

fix Remove bulk inserts to DB to make the operations more stable.

This release adds temporary support to legacy (pre 1.12.X) loaders in the new
get_stream utility. It also fixes a
few minor CLI and config processing bugs. We have also improved the error
message for missing DB drivers.

fix Add support to legacy (pre 1.12.X) loaders in get_stream utility.
fix Fix the processing of the :ignore, :accept, :reject suffixes in dataset source CLI.
fix Improve error message in the event of missing DB drivers.
fix Fix the support for the delimiter argument of the legacy CSV loader.
fix Fix the processing of hide_arrow_heads and hide_true_newline_token config settings in the rel.manual recipe.

This release includes an additional bug fix for the frontend.

fix Fix issue where individual image spans could not be selected in the image_manual view for the Polygon and Freehand tools. This builds on the fix in v1.12.3 which only fixed selection of image spans annotated with the rectangle tool.

This release includes major bug fixes for the frontend and an extra video docs
for task routing:

fix Fix issue where individual image spans could not be selected in the image_manual view
fix Fix an issue where the “Save” button could be clicked twice and save a duplicate answer to the database.
fix Fix an issue that would render br elements in the frontend
doc Added docs on Database.get_hashes and Database.count_dataset Database methods
doc Added a new video on task routers that does a deep dive on how to construct your own

Fixes a bug when using a Prodigy Dataset as a source for an Audio or Image
recipe using the dataset:my_dataset_name syntax.

fix Fix FileNotFoundError when using a Dataset as a source for an Audio or Image recipe
doc Fixed inconsistencies related to session ids.

This update adds support for the latest spaCy version.

new Extend spaCy support to the latest v3.6.

For this version we have completely refactored Prodigy internals to make the
annotation flow more tractable and more customizable. We have reimplemented the
Controller and added new abstractions to better represent the stream of tasks
and the input source. This let us deliver a number of new, exciting features
such as partial, configurable feed overlap, custom task routers, custom session
factories, source-based progress estimation, support for Parquet input files,
experimental support for training coref component in train, new

filter-by-patterns recipe and DX improvements.

v1.12 also provides support for LLM-assisted workflows for data annotation
and prompt engineering. We have provided 4 new recipes for bootstrapping NER and
Textcat annotation, 1 for terminology generation and 2 for prompt engineering
including a really creative ab.openai.tournament recipe. As of this
version we support python 3.11 and we drop support for python 3.7.

Thanks to everyone who’s helped us by testing the alpha versions. See the
changelog below for a full list of new features.

new Added a new Controller to facilitate annotation workflow customization.
new Added support for task routing, allowing you to customise who annotates each example.
new Added annotations_per_task setting to easily configure a task router for partial annotator overlap.
new Added a selection of task routers to the public API that can be used in custom recipes.
new Added a session_factory callback for custom recipes, giving you control on how sessions are created.
new Added support for spacy-experimental coref component in the train and train-curve recipes.
new All of Prodigy’s internal recipes now support the .parquet file format as a data source.
new Added allow_work_stealing setting in prodigy.json that allows you to turn off work stealing.
new Added PRODIGY_LOG_LOCALS environment variable to supply local variables for when debugging Prodigy error messages
new Added get_hash_count and get_hashes_min_cardinality methods to database class, which are useful in custom task routers.
new The review recipe now provides a --accept-single flag to also automatically accept annotations from a single annotator when --auto-accept is also turned on.
new Added a new filter-by-patterns recipe that can use match patterns to produce a relevant subset for a downstream task.
new Added support for annotation workflows that use large language models from OpenAI as a model-in-the-loop via the ner.openai.correct, ner.openai.fetch, textcat.openai.correct and textcat.openai.fetch recipes.
new Added support for pattern file generation via OpenAI’s large language model with terms.openai.fetch recipe.
new Added support for prompt engineering recipes via the ab.openai.prompts and ab.openai.tournament recipes.
new Added new progress calculation based on relative position in a source object.
new Distinguish between target progress and source progessin the UI.
fix Fixed a bug related to allow_newline_highlight setting in NER recipes.
fix Fixed a bug multiple labels in the mark recipe.
fix Fixed a bug related to multiple labels in the choice interface
fix Fixed a bug related to trailing slashes in session names. Prodigy will now ignore trailing slashes.
fix Added a more helpful error message when a user needs to provide a /?session= via the URL
fyi Removed auto_count_stream setting and automated counting of generators passed to stream component. See Controller Progress docs for new information on progress calculation.
fyi Added a warning when custom recipes don’t ensure the hashes are set appropriately on their examples.
fyi Tracebacks that Prodigy error messages try to hide will now appear in the logs when PRODIGY_LOGGING is configured. Details are explained here.
fyi Dropped support for python 3.7 due to end of life on 2023-06-27.
doc Added a new usage guides on task routing, large language models and cloud deployments
doc Fixed typos and inconsistencies

This patch release adds a constraint for
typing_extensions (<4.6.0) to
avoid a version conflict in Pydantic.

fix Add dependency for typing_extensions.

This patch release relaxes the following requirements:
tqdm (>=4.38.0,<5.0.0),
Jinja2 (no pin),
python-dotenv (>=0.21.1,<2.0.0).

fix Update dependency versions for tqdm, Jinja2, and python-dotenv.

This patch release fixes an issue with the --base-model argument in

train which resulted in erroneous sourcing of the tok2vec component
from the spaCy base model. It also updates the
peewee (<3.17),
pydantic (<2.0),
FastAPI (<0.95.1) and
typeguard (<4.0) dependencies.

fix Fix --base-model parsing in train.
fix Update dependency versions for peewee, pydantic, typeguard and FastAPI.

This release reverts a backward incompatible change from v1.11.10 that removed
database methods and helpers get_db, set_db and disconnect. These methods
were not part of the documented API, but could be accessed via the Prodigy
source available to users, which might have potentially caused problems.

fix Restore database methods get_db, set_db and disconnect.

This release updates Prodigy to use superior versions of
spaCy (up to 3.5),
pydantic (up to 1.10.4) and
FastAPI (up to 0.89.1) dependencies.

fix Update dependency versions for spaCy, pydantic and FastAPI.

This update fixes an issue with duplicate examples in multi-user annotation
flows and includes several smaller bug fixes in recipes.

new Add logging from the frontend to the backend if the frontend ever receives a batch with duplicate tasks.
fix Prevent duplicate examples from being shown to annotators, specifically in higher latency, production scenarios.
fix Fix the audio.transcribe recipe by putting the custom UI attributes on each task, instead of in the config.
fix Fix an issue where some unsaved examples could be lost during a browser refresh.
fix Fix the --wrap functionality in relations interface.
fix Fix multiple copies of session IDs being rendered in review recipe.

This update includes various bug fixes and usability improvements and extends
support to the latest spaCy versions.

new Extend spaCy support to the latest v3.4.
new Add --use_annotations argument to Span Categorization recipes for suggesters that require annotations from other components.
new /health and /healthz API endpoints for health checks.
new Support tokens with "disabled": true in input data for rel.manual.
new Controller.from_components classmethod.
new Add validation to ensure choice options are unique.
fix Allow highlighting newlines in sent.correct.
fix Prevent binary conflicting spans from being added to both positive and negative examples in train.
fix Fix --auto-accept for binary rejection agreements in review.
fix Automatically prevent duplicates from appearing in training and evaluation set in train and data-to-spacy.
fix Improve default config generation for base models with vectors and ensure vectors are used.
fix Improve warnings for invalid setting combinations in PatternMatcher.

This update includes fixes to better support
spaCy v3.2 and improves sentence segmentation
correction, data export for binary NER annotations, and stream handling for
multi-user sessions.

new Update spaCy version range to allow installing spaCy v3.2 with Prodigy by default.
fix Fix vector handling for spaCy v3.2 compatibility.
fix Improve caching to prevent duplication in named multi-user sessions.
fix Enable newline and whitespace highlighting by default in sent.correct.
fix Ensure binary rejected entity spans are ignored in train and data-to-spacy if they’re also in the accepted annotations.
doc Fix typos and inconsistencies.

This update includes wheels for Python 3.10, as well as small fixes to recipes
and config generation.

new Pre-built wheels for Python 3.10.
fix Always use best score in train-curve and train with --label-stats, not last.
fix Ensure hashes are set correctly in audio.transcribe.
fix Fix issue that could cause progress 0 to not be reported correctly in custom functions.
fix Correctly preserve tok2vec and transformer in train with base config.
fix Don’t auto-add examples already in dataset in review with --auto-accept.
fix Use relative paths for fonts to support custom path prefixes.

This update includes small fixes to the feed logic for multi-user sessions and
custom progress handling.

fix Simplify feed history tracking for multi-user sessions to prevent duplication.
fix Correctly handle progress 0.0 returned by custom progress functions.
fix Fix display of input content in compare recipe.
fix Include .prodigy-spans CSS class in ner_manual UI.
fix Fix issue that could cause stream to repeat batches of questions in some scenarios.

This release includes various small fixes to stream handling, data loading and
config generation.

new Exclude previously accepted labels during binary annotation with --exclusive in textcat.manual.
fix Fixing feed overlap bug that could cause session history to not be tracked correctly after reset.
fix Ensure recipe’s update callback is executed when annotating without a dataset.
fix Fix handling of meta column in CSV loader and add its value to a dict.
fix Handle non-dictionary "meta" values correctly in PatternMatcher.
fix Correctly set both _session_id and _annotator_id in controller.
fix Don’t remove frozen scores used by non-frozen components during config generation in train.
fix Ensure that pre-defined spans receive a "score" in ner.teach.

This update includes small fixes to the train curve plots and recipes that don’t
save data.

fyi Add warning when using deprecated --ner-missing in train and data-to-spacy.
fix Add workaround for using v2.x and v3.x of plotext in train-curve with --show-plot.
fix Fix handling of False as dataset value returned by recipe.
fix Fix handling of "meta" dict in choice options.
fix Fix links in PyPi server /index endpoint.

This update includes a new workflow for correcting a trained span categorizer,
as well as various small fixes to the config generation, stream setup and UI.

new spans.correct workflow for correcting a trained span categorizer.
new Support /index endpoint in PyPi download server for package index to use in requirements.txt.
fix Fix config generation in train if no logger is present in the config.
fix Prevent error in stream counting for slower streams and don’t pre-count if --update is set.
fix Fix issue that’d cause CSV reader to fail for None column headers.
fix Ensure hashes are always added before task validation.
fix Prevent labels from wrapping in spans_manual.

This release updates Prodigy to use the new
spaCy v3, which brings you lots of new exciting
features like end-to-end support for transformer-based pipelines, a training
config system for reproducible results, as well as new trainable components for
sentence segmentation and span categorization that you can create annotations
for with Prodigy. Thanks to the 300+ (!) nightly users who helped us test this
new release!

Prodigy v1.11 includes a bunch of new features, including a new installation
process via pip and new wheels for Python 3.9 and ARM architectures, a new
recipe and UI for annotating overlapping and nested spans, new recipes for
improving a sentence recognizer model, new training and data export recipes
that seamlessly integrate with spaCy’s config system and let you train multiple
components with different evaluation sets, support for updating the model in the
loop in ner.correct and a new textcat.correct to go along with it, improved
handling of binary annotations in ner.teach for better results, as well as new
customization options and settings.

new Support for spaCy v3, including transformer-based pipelines, training configs, new trainable components and more.
new Improved wheel installation: download the best-matching wheel via pip using your license key!
new Pre-built wheels for Python 3.9 and ARM architectures.
new New train command that supports training multiple components from different datasets and evaluation datasets (using the eval: prefix) and mixing manual and binary datasets.
new New data-to-spacy command that generates all data you need: training and evaluation corpora in spaCy’s binary format, initialized label sets for faster training and optional config file.
new New train-curve command with support for multiple components and visual plots.
new spans.manual workflow and spans_manual UI for annotating any number of potentially overlapping and nested spans. Also see the span categorization docs for details.
new Support for training spaCy’s new SpanCategorizer in train and data-to-spacy, based on annotations collected with spans.manual.
new Update the model in the loop in ner.correct using the --update flag.
new textcat.correct recipe for correcting and updating an existing text classifier.
new sent.teach and sent.correct recipes for improving a sentence recognizer model.
new Improved ner.teach workflow for more accurate results with spaCy v3. In addition to binary questions about entity suggestions, you’re now also asked questions about texts with no entities at all. If an example includes no highlighted suggestions, you can hit accept to confirm that it contains no entities, or reject if it contains entities.
new progress command to calculate annotation progress over time.
new The -F argument to provide a file path for custom recipe scripts now supports multiple, comma-separated paths and can also be used to load custom registered functions for spaCy configs. It works across all recipes, including the built-in workflows.
new Add --auto-accept flag to review recipe to automatically accept annotations with no conflicts and add them to the database.
new Support "history_text" property in task for customizing preview shown in sidebar history.
new Allow optional "meta" and "score" in choice options, which will be displayed with the option.
new Include the UNIX timestamp of when an annotation was answered in the UI as "_timestamp".
new Support counting finite and potentially filtered generator streams for better progress estimation via "auto_count_stream": true. Note that this setting should only be used for streams that are not dynamic and depend on outside state (e.g. an updated model in the loop).
new Add total_examples_target for the total number of examples that should be annotated to reach a progress of 100%. Useful for infinite streams or if completion doesn’t map to stream size.
new PRODIGY_CONFIG and PRODIGY_CONFIG_OVERRIDES environment variables to provide custom path to global config JSON and override individual config settings on the CLI.
new Dark mode theme! Enable it by setting "theme": "dark" in your prodigy.json.
new Support overriding color palettes used for labels via "palettes" in "custom_theme".
new Support "style" property on individual "tokens" in ner_manual and spans_manual.
new Add more human-readable CSS class names and data attributes.
fyi The train command now handles binary annotations out-of-the-box, so you won’t have to explicitly set --binary or --ner-missing anymore. Future annotations created with binary workflows like ner.teach will now also set "_is_binary": true explicitly in the data.
fyi Per-label stats in the output of train can now be toggled via the --label-stats flag.
fyi The --textcat-exclusive argument is not needed anymore in train and related workflows and has been removed. Instead, you can explicitly provide datasets via --textcat (exclusive categories) and --textcat-multilabel (non-exclusive categories).
fyi The --init-tok2vec argument has been removed from textcat.teach. You can now pretrained embeddings directly via the spaCy pipeline you load in.
fyi Examples are now accepted automatically in textcat.manual if when you select an option with mutually exclusive categories. You can override this by setting "choice_auto_accept": false..
fyi The force_stream_order config setting is now deprecated and the default behavior of the feeds. Batches are now always sent and re-sent in the same order wherever possible.
fyi Long deprecated old recipes and functions have been removed.
fix Fix various issues and inconsistencies around stream handling and feed overlap when using named multi-user sessions with a single instance of Prodigy.
fix Fix span selection in relations UI via tap on mobile devices.
fix Correctly handle vectors for languages without uppercase/lowercase distinction in terms.teach.
fix Fix issue that could cause next batch to be blocked when using "instant_submit": true.
fix Fix issue in CSV loader that would handle title-cased Label columns incorrectly.
fix Fix base64 conversion to be forwards-compatible.
fix Ensure that html_template overrides are correctly interpreted in blocks UI.
fix Deep-merge all config settings provided via global and local prodigy.json, recipe config and overrides to support changing only individual nested properties.
fix Fix issue that could cause config keyword arguments to not be set correctly in prodigy.serve.
doc Add span categorization usage docs and feature page.
doc Update installation docs and add instructions for PyPi.
doc Update various documentation references for spaCy v3 and recipe API changes.

This release includes various small fixes to the annotation interfaces, UI
customizability and progress reporting.

new Fire prodigyend event if no more tasks are available.
new Add batch_size argument to PatternMatcher.__call__.
new Add human-readable .prodigy-spans class for containers in ner, ner_manual etc.
fix Correctly recognize relations as manual UI in review.
fix Fix issue with disabled pipes during --binary training.
fix Handle trailing newlines and wrapping correctly in relations UI.
fix Fix handling of label position for long labels in relations UI.
fix Ensure total and session annotation counts are reflected correctly in controller passed to custom progress callback with update callback.
fix Improve error handling when using prodigy.serve with non-servable functions.
fix Ensure Prodigy works with the latest pydantic.

This release includes a few small fixes, including an update to prevent
Prodigy’s dependencies from pulling in a package incompatible with Python 3.6.

new Add newlines for newline tokens in relations UI (if wrapping is enabled).
new Support path-based routing and path-strip proxies by using relative paths in the web app.
fix Prevent dependencies from pulling in newer uvloop version that’s incompatible with Python 3.6.
fix Fix issue that could cause config overrides to not be reflected correctly when calling prodigy.serve.
fix Fix bug in dep.correct that could cause the heads to not be sent to spaCy correctly.
fix Prevent closed socket from killing the server by removing custom signal handlers.
fix Use better pattern ID delimiter in pattern matcher to prevent conflicts with user-defined labels.

This release includes updates to the relations and review workflows, fixes for
feed overlap and multi-user session handling, new UI customization options and a
Portuguese UI translation, as well as various other small fixes and

new Support custom span label colors in relations UI.
new Support label_style setting config instead of just ner_manual_label_style to indicate that it applies to ner_manual, image_manual and relations UI.
new Add --show-skipped option to review interface to include answers that would otherwise be skipped, like ignored answers or rejected examples in manual interfaces.
new Allow clicking on a version in review interface to update final annotation.
new Add swipe_gestures config setting to customize left/right mapping.
new Fire prodigyspanselected event in image_manual and relations.
new Add UI translation for Portuguese. Thanks to Cristiana S Parada for the contribution!
fyi The feed_overlap config setting now defaults to false and Prodigy will show a warning if an overlapping feed is used without named sessions.
fix Use symbols for whitespace characters in relations UI.
fix Fix issue that could cause head or child span of first token to not be represented correctly in relations interface.
fix Fix issue that could cause span label changes to not be reflected correctly in "relations" meta generated by relations UI and make sure "spans" are always sorted by default.
fix Set default batch size in calls to nlp.pipe in recipes.
fix Ensure that custom database is correctly passed to RepeatingFeed.
fix Fix issue that could cause excluded datasets to not be represented correctly in named sessions.
fix Always sort files alphabetically in loaders that read from directories.
fix Make train fail more gracefully if no data is available.
fix Fix issue that could cause honor_token_whitespace to not be reflected correctly.
fix Don’t explicitly set delimiter in CSV loader and let Python guess.
fix Correctly interpret image spans without "points" in image UI.

This update includes small fixes to the stream state management and hashing and
improves handling of pre-defined tokens and spans in recipes and interfaces. It
also introduces new customization options for the manual image and audio UIs.

new Support customizing the JSON key used to store image spans in image_manual. Can be used to combine the interface with other interfaces that use "spans", e.g. ner_manual.
new Expose WaveSurfer instance in audio_manual to allow implementing custom controls.
fix Support pre-defined "tokens" in rel.manual.
fix Ensure that custom values in pre-defined, non-edited "spans" are preserved in ner_manual.
fix Fix issue that could cause --exclude datasets to not be considered with non-overlapping feeds.
fix Add filter to prevent state conflicts of incoming answers in high-latency or low-CPU situations.
fix Fix incorrect span offset issue in print-dataset and print-stream.
fix Make label detection in NER annotation model consistent with spaCy if label contains hyphen.
fix Fix hasing consistency in review and ensure existing binary answer doesn’t impact hash.

This update fixes a problem with the exclude logic by input hashes and adds
support for custom tokenization in the manual relation annotation workflow.

new Allow pre-defined "tokens" in rel.manual.
fix Fix issue that could cause exclude_by": "input" to re-send tasks with overlapping feeds.

This update includes small fixes to the exclude logic in repeating streams,
improvements to dependency parsing annotation and training, and updates to the
ASGI server. Check out the release notes for v1.10 for all the new
features introduced in the latest update!

fix Fix issue that’d cause repeating feed to not honor exclude_by.
fix Fix problem in dep.correct sentence segmentation that could lead Prodigy to incorrectly report misaligned tokenization.
fix Correctly print dependency parser training results in train.
fix Update to support latest version of uvicorn.
fix Allow changing expected max length for MySQL via PRODIGY_MYSQL_MAX_LEN environment variable to prevent Prodigy from raising an error if the field type was changed to mediumblob.

This update includes small fixes for problems introduced in v1.10.0, as well as
improvements to the spaCy v2.3 integration, more customization for audio and
video transcription, and a new UI translation for French. Check out the
release notes for v1.10 for all the new features introduced in the
latest update!

new Support customizing field ID used to store transcript in audio.transcribe.
new Add UI translation for French. Thanks to Thierno Ibrahima DIOP for the contribution!
fix Fix sentence segmentation issue that could cause ner_manual UI to crash.
fix Make terms.teach compatible with spaCy v2.3 by pre-populating the lexeme cache.
fix Only show pattern matches for provided labels in ner.teach.
fix Fix issue in ner_manual on touch devices that would prevent selecting first token.
fix Ensure overriding "text": None in blocks doesn’t cause errors in certain interfaces.

Our biggest release yet includes a bunch of new features, interfaces and recipes
for dependency and relation annotation,
audio and video annotation, as well as a new and improved
manual image annotation interface with support for
editing shapes and bounding boxes. We’ve also added new
recipe callbacks for modifying examples placed
in the database and validating answers at runtime, added more settings for
whitespace-handling in manual NER annotation, including a mode for
character-based highlighting,
and introduced various new config settings to customize the web app and
annotation interfaces. Thanks to everyone who’s helped us beta test the new
features – your feedback has helped a lot! See the changelog below for a full
list of new features.

new Flexible relations interface for fully manual dependency and relationship annotation and joint span and dependency relation annotation.
new New recipes rel.manual, coref.manual and dep.correct for efficient manual and model-assisted dependency annotation.
new audio and audio_manual interfaces binary and fully manual audio and video annotation. Add and modify segments for different labels and collect feedback about pre-highlighted regions.
new audio.manual and audio.transcribe recipes for audio and video annotation and transcription, as well as community recipes for using Prodigy with pretrained models for speaker diarization in the loop.
new New and improved image_manual interface with support for moving and resizing shapes, adjusting polygons, freehand annotation, more detailed data format and more settings.
new Support dataset:{name} and dataset:{name}:{answer} syntax as source argument in recipes to allow loading from existing datasets. For example, dataset:my_set will use examples dataset my_set as the input data and dataset:my_set:accept will only load in accepted answers.
new Add validate_answer recipe component to perform custom validation of annotations created in the UI and prevent invalid answers from being submitted.
new Allow recipes to return a before_db callback for modifying examples before they’re placed in the database, e.g. to strip out base64 data.
new Update Prodigy for the latest spaCy v2.3 and new models.
new Support multi-arc dependency annotations (e.g. created with dep.correct) in train.
new Set information about trailing whitespace in add_tokens and reflect whitespace (or lack of whitespace) between tokens in ner_manual (can be changed using the "honor_token_whitespace" setting).
new Add --highlight-chars flag to ner.manual and use_chars argument to add_tokens to allow highlighting individual characters instead of full tokens.
new Add "field_suggestions" property to text_input UI to allow specifying a list of auto-suggestions to show when the user types or presses .
new Allow disabling and reordering of the accept, reject, ignore and undo buttons at the bottom of the screen via the "buttons" config setting.
new Add options --width (card with and maximum image width) and --remove-base64 (remove base64-encoded image data) to image.manual.
new Add file_ext argument to Images and ImageServer loaders, always preserve original local file path as "path" and add Audio, AudioServer, Video and VideoServer loaders.
new Expose generic Base64 and Server helpers to load any data as a base64-string or via a web server and add generic fetch_media preprocessor.
new Add --rehash flag to db-merge to force-overwrite hashes.
new Add --base-model argument to data-to-spacy to customize tokenizer and sentencizer.
new Allow individual tasks to override global or UI config via a key "config".
new Add "ui_lang" config and translations of descriptions, messages and tooltips in the annotation UI to German, Spanish, Dutch and Chinese.
new Make sidebar history length default to batch_size and allow customizing it via the history_size config setting. Note that the history size can’t be larger than the batch size.
new Show recipe name in project info in sidebar and allow customizing info via "project_info" config.
new Add Controller methods and attributes for retrieving total counts and progress by session ID.
new Warn if global or local prodigy.json settings override potentially critical recipe components.
new Support custom label colors manual interfaces and automatically pick contrasting text color.
new Show keyboard shortcuts for toolbar buttons on hover.
new Show friendlier error if prodigy.json contains invalid JSON.
fix Make progress function returned by recipes consistent and always pass it the controller and the return value of the update callback, if available.
fix Correctly report per-session progress for streams with a length and multi-user sessions and take feed_overlap into account.
fix Improve support for using "force_stream_order": True (repeating feed) with "feed_overlap": False (no overlap between sessions).
fix Make all manual recipes default to "force_stream_order": True for more intuitive stream behavior: batches of tasks are now always re-sent until they’re answered and refreshing the page will show the same batch again.
fix Fix issue that could cause the review to not displayed changes when user hits undo.
fix Preserve "choice_style" config setting on tasks so it can be re-applied when running review.
fix Support simpler data format in diff interface to make it work combined with choice in a blocks interface and prevent clash of "accept" property used by both UIs.
fix Adjust display of spans with RTL text when "writing_mode": "rtl" is enabled.
fyi The deprecated --api recipe argument has been removed and merged with --loader.
fyi textcat.manual now doesn’t perform additional checks for the pre-v1.9 syntax with an (unused) spaCy model argument anymore.
fyi Loading from standard input now requires the source argument to be set to - explicitly.
fyi The "show_stats" setting to display detailed stats in the sidebar is now set to true by default.
fyi The "spans" data created with image_manual now also include a "type" (either "rect", "polygon" or "freehand"), as well as "width", "height", "x", "y" and "center" values for rects.
fyi Forced stream order and repeating batches by default means that you should use named sessions or set "force_stream_order": False if you want multiple users connecting to the same instance. Otherwise, you may get duplicate questions.
doc Add documentation and feature page for dependency relation annotation.
doc Add documentation and feature page for audio and speech annotation.
doc Update feature pages for named entity recognition and computer vision.
doc Add docs section on efficient NER annotation for fine-tuning transformers like BERT.
doc Add docs section on recipe callback functions in detail.
doc Document b64_to_bytes, file_to_b64 and bytes_to_b64 utilities for converting base64.
doc Tidy up global config docs and move settings specific to a single interface to interface docs.
doc Fix various typos and inconsistencies.

This patch release includes small fixes to the force_stream_order setting to
prevent a race condition and duplicate examples. Stay tuned for v1.10, which is
coming soon and will include lots of cool new features!

new Add Controller.all_session_ids, all named sessions that have connected to the current instance.
fix Fix race condition that could cause force_stream_order to produce duplicate tasks.
fix Correctly exclude currently shown task when requesting new questions with force_stream_order.

This release includes an important fix for a training regression introduced in
the previous version, as well as small improvements.

fix Fix issue that’d cause rejected binary text classification annotations to be filtered out in train.
fix Improve handling of rejected and ignored examples across different annotation types in train.
fix Relax unnecessarily strict validation for diff tasks.

This release includes a new built-in recipe match for selecting examples
based on pattern matches, as well as various bug fixes and improvements.

new General-purpose match recipe to only match patterns in text with various configurations.
fix Use custom --view-id set in review to determine how to merge examples.
fix Improve default configuration in train for NER models with --init-tok2vec.
fix Fix filtering that could cause incorrect totals to be reported before training.
fix Fix async handling of built-in and user-provided databases.
fix Fix hashing of patterns that’d cause incorrect line numbers to be displayed.
fix Fix compiler setting that’d cause print-stream and print-dataset to not output colored results.
fix Check for correct view ID when printing text classification datasets with print-dataset.
fix Correctly pass --eval-split to data-to-spacy.
fix Show correct path to Prodigy installation root (not recipe root) in stats command.
fix Fix issue that could cause span rendering problems in ner if text contains emoji.
fix Fix UI issue that’d cause card headings to overlay expanded sidebar on small screens.
doc Fix various typos and links.

This release includes small fixes and improvements to the built-in recipes and

new Add overwrite flag to add_tokens preprocessor to overwrite existing "tokens".
new Allow review recipe to overwrite view ID (e.g. to render blocks annotations differently).
fix Accept pre-set tokens correctly in add_tokens to make it easier to provide custom tokenization.
fix Improve backwards-compatibility checks of arguments in textcat.manual.
fix Correctly report numbers of textcat examples in train and filter out ignored answers instead of just ignoring the examples during training and evaluation.
fix Fix handling of integer option "id" values in print-dataset.
fix Fix issue that’d cause text_input value to not reset and auto-focus correctly between tasks.
fix Fix incorrect validation errors for dep UI and "card_css" setting.
fix Set more explicit MIME types for JS bundle for server configs that prevent MIME type sniffing.
fix Adjust eighties theme to prevent dark text on dark background in choice options.

This release includes small fixes related to async database usage in Python 3.7+
and text classification training with the new train recipe.

fix Fix issue with async database usage in Python 3.7+ that could cause MySQL connection errors.
fix Ensure --textcat-exclusive setting is passed down correctly in train.

This release includes small fixes related to multiprocessing and new features
introduced in v1.9.0.

fix Make ner.manual with --patterns correctly return all examples instead of only the matches.
fix Fix error when loading evaluation examples in new train recipe with --binary enabled.
fix Fix issue in train with --binary when restoring pipeline component before saving the model.
fix Fix Foreign Key constraint error that could occur in Database.drop_examples.
fix Add thread locking to database reconnect methods in controller.
fix Fix accuracy output for tagger and parser in train.

This release includes small fixes, a new option for changing keyboard shortcuts
for labels and multiple choice options, and a new loader for serving images.

This release includes small fixes to the new interfaces introduced in v1.9.0.

This release includes small fixes to bugs introduced in v1.9.0.

fix Fix error in PatternMatcher when assigning combined matches to tasks with no "meta".
fix Fix too strict validation for html tasks with no "html" key but "html_template".

This release includes small fixes to bugs introduced in v1.9.0.

This release introduces tons of new features and improvements, including new
recipes, interfaces and workflows. We also redesigned the website, rewrote the
documentation from scratch and added lots of new pages, usage guides, demos and
examples. We hope you like it! Some highlights in Prodigy v1.9 include new
unified training recipes, two new
annotation interfaces for free-form text input and
combining different UIs, config settings for making streams repeat questions
until they’re answered, and changing keyboard shortcuts, official support for
spaCy v2.2 and a
new recipe for converting Prodigy annotations of
different types to a single training corpus in spaCy’s JSON format. See the
changelog below for a full list of new features.

new Add new general-purpose train and train-curve recipes to replace the task-specific training recipes and make overall training process more consistent.
new Show accuracy per entity type, tag or text category in training results.
new Add data-to-spacy recipe that takes Prodigy datasets for NER, text classification, tagging and parsing and outputs a merged corpus (optionally split into training and evaluation data) in spaCy’s JSON format that you can use with spacy train.
new Add --patterns argument to ner.manual to pre-highlight suggestions from patterns. This workflow is going to replace the binary ner.match.
new Add general-purpose print-stream and print-dataset recipes that can output different data types. Those recipes are going to replace the more specific print utilities like ner.print-stream.
new Add blocks interface to freely combine annotation interfaces.
new Add text_input interface to collect free-form text input from annotators.
new New "force_stream_order" config setting. If True, tasks will always be sent out in the same order and re-sent until they’re answered – even if you refresh the app in your browser.
new Support customizing keyboard shortcuts.
new Support tokenizing terms in to create patterns for multi-token terms.
new Add "exclude_by" config setting to allow recipes to specify whether to filter by input hash or task hash so that manual recipes don’t repeat the same content with different suggestions.
new Support blank:{lang}, e.g. blank:en as an alternative spaCy model in ner.manual, textcat.teach and train to start off with a blank model.
new Pass --label values added to mark to the "labels" config so the recipe can be used with manual interfaces like ner_manual and image_manual.
new Add --no-fetch flag to image.manual to disable base64 conversion of images.
new Add --fetch-media flag to review recipe to temporarily replace paths with base64 data.
new Also support - as the value of source arguments to read from standard input and make this the recommended best practice (instead of omitting the argument).
new Always auto-create datasets and deprecate dataset command.
new Make compare and ner.eval-ab recipes use the more flexible choice interface and deprecate the compare UI.
new Add more human-readable class names to use in custom CSS and JS.
new Support new syntax in prodigy.serve that lets you pass in the full command-line command to start Prodigy from within Python.
new Add data validation for prodigy.json / recipe config, recipe components and training examples.
new Make the printed output and messages prettier and more consistent.
new Make FastAPI the default REST API library and include interactive API docs.
new Drop support for Python 3.5 and make wheel installers support Python 3.8.
new Update Prodigy for spaCy v2.2.
fix Show an example suggested by patterns in textcat.teach only once with all matches instead of once per match.
fix Fix error that’d occur when passing in long label sets on the command line (due to Prodigy checking if it’s a valid file path).
fix Remove unused spacy_model argument from textcat.manual.
fix Exclude by input hash instead of task hash in ner.manual, ner.correct, pos.correct, textcat.manual and image.manual, using the new "exclude_by" setting. Examples will only be shown again if their content is identical, not if they include different highlighted suggestions.
fix Fix handling of newline tokens in ner.manual for multiple newline character and adjust style of symbols. Newline-only tokens are now unselectable by default to prevent creating newline token entities. You can set "allow_newline_highlight": true to change this.
fix Show error if MySQL database is used and JSON blob saved to the database is longer than 65535 characters, to prevent MySQL DB from truncating example.
fyi Rename ner.make-gold and pos.make-gold to ner.correct and pos.correct. The old names are still supported so your code won’t break.
fyi Deprecate various outdated recipes, the built-in live APIs and the recipe_args dict. You can still use all of these features and your code shouldn’t break but they’ll be removed in v2.
fyi Refactor the whole code base and module organization and various other internals, and added simple type annotations to recipe functions.
doc New documentation and website redesigned and rewritten completely from scratch, with tons of new content, demos and usage examples. The new site also replaces the PRODIGY_README.html that used to be available for download with Prodigy.
doc Update prodigy-recipes repo.

This update includes a fix for a regression introduced in v1.8.4, as well as
small improvements to the dataset creation and stream handling.

new Warn after exhausting streams with many duplicates.
fix Fix issue introduced in v1.8.4 that could cause the client to send back empty answers if users annotated very quickly.
fix Remove default session from client and correctly populate session datasets.

This update includes various small fixes to the interfaces and recipes.

new Experimental: Allow moving selected bounding boxes in image_manual interface via keyboard shortcuts .
new Add prodigyundo event for custom JavaScript.
fix Fix issue that’d cause label change in image_manual to not be reflected correctly.
fix Disable unselecting of radio button if choice_auto_accept is enabled.
fix Always prefer rending "html" in classification interface, if available.
fix Improve handling of choice tasks in review recipe.
fix Re-add default spacing for most common HTML elements in html interface.
fix Ensure bin/prodigy and bin/pgy are interpreted as shell scripts.
fix Make textcat.manual correctly support single-label use cases.
fix Fix handling of pre-defined spans in EntityRecognizer.
fix Fix detection of user databases via entry points.
fix Fix race condition that’d fire prodigyanswer event incorrectly.
fix Prevent card labels from being displayed on top of modals.
fix Improve fallback if labels are provided to the app in incorrect format.
fix Fix handling of related sessions in feeds if "feed_overlap" is enabled.

This update includes fixes to textcat.batch-train, the NER preprocessing
logic and Prodigy’s dependencies.

fix Fix issue in textcat.batch-train that wouldn’t pass exclusive setting to the model and converter functions correctly.
fix Fix handling of multiple choice data in textcat.batch-train.
fix Fix segmentation bug that caused spans ending on text boundaries to be dropped.
fix Make sure span is fully excluded if skip=True is set in add_tokens preprocessor.
fix Add srsly to direct dependencies and pin to latest version.
doc Fix typos and inconsistencies.

This update includes small fixes to the terms.teach and review
recipes, as well as improvements to the pretraining support.

fix Fix issue in review recipe that’d raise error if no versions were generated.
fix Make terms.teach skip vocab entries with no vectors to prevent unnecessary warnings.
fix Fix serialization issue of sentencizer in textcat.batch-train.
fix Ensure hyperparameters from pretraining are passed to textcat.batch-train.

This update includes small fixes to the text classification workflows.

This release updates Prodigy for the brand new
spaCy v2.1, which features BERT-style
language model pretraining,
extended match pattern API
and faster tokenization. We’ve also added support for basic authentication and
several completely new built-in recipes and workflows for reviewing annotations
from multiple sessions and resolving conflicts, manual multiple-choice text
classification, and merging two or more existing datasets.

This update includes a small fix to the "instant_submit" feature introduced in
the previous release.

fix Fix issue that could cause tasks to not receive an "answer" when "instant_submit" was enabled.

This update makes it easy to set up named multi-user sessions in a single
instance. It also introduces a new setting for instant submissions and support for custom
CSS and JavaScript across all interfaces. Of course, we also fixed various bugs
and inconsistencies to make sure Prodigy runs as smoothly as possible.

By the way, if you want to add 12 months of updates to your license, you can now
do so via our online shop!

new Add "instant_submit" option to send back a task instantly after it’s answered in the app, skipping the history and immediately triggering the update callback if available.
new Support custom named sessions via query parameters in the app to enable multi-user workflows in single instances. For example, accessing the app with /?session=alex will add all annotations to a session dataset dataset-alex. The boolean "feed_overlap" setting lets you control whether to have each example sent out once so it’s annotated by someone or whether to allow overlaps and send out each example to everyone (default).
new Add "global_css" option across all interfaces, more human-readable class names and expose data-prodigy-view-id and data-prodigy-recipe for custom interface or recipe-specific styling.
new Add "javascript" option across all interfaces and fire custom events on mount, update and answer.
new Add --batch-size option to drop command to prevent database errors when deleting large datasets.
fix Make labels in pos.teach and pos.make_gold correctly default to built-in label scheme and raise error if no fine-grained labels are provided.
fix Make sure PatternMatcher only shows matches for recipe labels.
fix Fix bug that would cause add_tokens preprocessor to raise an error.
fix Correctly handle min_length in split_sentences preprocessor.
fix Fix bug that’d cause text classification tasks to not be deep copied correctly.
fix Raise error if is used without label to prevent null value.
fix Fix problem that’d cause dependency arcs to be rendered incorrectly.
fix Improve relative sizing of bounding boxes and labels for large images.
fix Ensure task can only be flagged via keyboard shortcut if "show_flag" is enabled.
fix Drop third-party dependency mmh3 that was causing problems for some users.
fix Make manual NER interface more touch-friendly.
doc New video: FAQ #1: Tips & tricks for NLP, annotation and training.
doc Improve various typos and inconsistencies and add new sections for new features.
fix Fix split_sentences pre-processor for untokenized examples.

This update takes advantage of pre-built binary wheels for our dependencies and
speeds up the installation by up to 10 times! We’ve also added official support
for Python 3.7, made excluding the current dataset the default behavior, fixed
issues related to patterns, text classification and NER training and improved
some internals to get Prodigy ready for multi-user workflows.

new Add official support and wheels for Python 3.7.
new Use spaCy v2.0.16 to take advantage of pre-built wheels and allow up to 10 times faster installation.
new Automatically exclude examples already present in the current dataset (e.g. make --exclude dataset the default behavior). To disable this feature, you can set "auto_exclude_current": false in your prodigy.json or recipe config.
new Add --loader argument to image.manual.
new Make annotation card header sticky for long content.
new Improve internal handling of sessions and streams to get Prodigy ready for better multi-user workflows.
fix Fix prior in PatternMatcher to prevent matches from being excluded by sorter.
fix Ensure spans and tokens are correctly updated in split_sentences preprocessor.
fix Improve textcat.eval recipe and make sure labels are added automatically.
fix Fix issue that would require refreshing the app when using the manual interface with a low batch size.
fix Make sure dataset links are removed when dropping a dataset via drop.
fix Fix memory leak in NER training that could cause segmentation fault for large datasets.
fix Fix issue in TextClassifier, where active learning didn’t resume from weights.
fix Exclude "model" key from hashes so that identical predictions by different models receive the same hash.
fix Add server middleware to prevent response caching in IE 11.
fix Improve NER model loading with large vectors.
doc Fix various typos and inconsistencies.

This update includes several bug fixes and stability improvements related to the
new part-of-speech tagging recipes and the built-in pattern matcher model, as
well as a better identification system for match patterns.

new Add --resume argument to ner.match to update matcher from dataset.
new Use hashes as pattern IDs to allow updating existing matchers even if pattern files change across sessions.
fix Make pos.teach and pos.batch-train work as expected with both fine-grained and coarse-grained part-of-speech tags.
fix Fix bug in ner.iob-to-gold that’d cause export to fail.
fix Small improvements to UI and web app stability.

This update includes new recipes for part-of-speech tagging, an experimental
release of the new manual image labeling interface and a new mechanism for
adding custom loaders, database connectors and recipes via Python entry points.
We’ve also added validation for incoming streams and detailed error messages for
incorrect task formats, enhanced the training options for sparse and
gold-standard named entity data, and improved handling of newlines and
formatting tokens in the manual NER interface.

new New recipes for part-of-speech tagging: pos.teach, pos.batch-train and pos.train-curve.
new Experimental: Manual image annotation interface and image.manual recipe.
new Add annotation task validation. Before the Prodigy server starts, your stream is checked against a schema to make sure it has the correct format. If not, Prodigy tells you what the problem is.
new Allow adding custom recipes, databases and loaders via entry points.
new Add --no-missing flag to ner.batch-train to assume all correct spans are in the gold annotation, and any spans not in the gold annotation are incorrect. This is especially useful when training from annotations collected with ner.manual or ner.make-gold.
new Add --resume argument to terms.teach to update target vector from dataset.
new Add “true” newlines to newline tokens manual interfaces. The behavior can be turned off by setting "hide_true_newline_tokens": true.
new Allow marking tokens as "disabled": true in manual interfaces. Disabled tokens can’t be highlighted and can be used to assist annotators with formatting.
new Converter recipe ner.iob-to-gold to convert IOB tags to Prodigy’s JSONL.
fix Disable and restore other pipeline components in batch-train recipes.
fix Ensure seed terms are added to the dataset correctly.
fix Fix bug that would cause web app to fail with annotation instructions.
fix Make keyboard shortcuts in choice interface work as expected again.
fix Add missing import and make image.test work out-of-the-box again.
doc Add sections on Python entry points and document new recipes and interfaces.
doc Fix various typos and inconsistencies.

This update includes various bug fixes and efficiency improvements.

new Allow custom HTML in classification interface.
new Allow pre-defined selections in choice interface, e.g. "accept": [1, 3].
fix Improve memory usage of terms.teach.
fix Fix data integrity error when dropping datasets using MySQL.
fix Fix bug in error message of custom recipe validation introduced in v1.4.1.
fix Resolve problem with image preloading in image interfaces.
fix Make keyboard shortcuts work as expected in choice interface.
doc Fix various typos and inconsistencies.

This update improves efficiency of the ner.batch-train recipe and fixes
the handling of task and input hashes in the database methods and --exclude
option. It also comes with various improvements to error messages and web app

new Improve efficiency of ner.batch-train – up to 10× faster for some workloads!
fix Fix problem that would cause text classification tasks created from pattern matches to not have a label assigned to the task.
fix Ensure that --exclude logic is always applied after the stream is (re)hashed.
fix Fix bug that would cause hashes to not be returned correctly by the database.
fix Allow the "instructions" setting to be false or null.
fix Improve error messages if recipe file is not valid and if dataset doesn’t exist in
fix Various improvements to UI and web app stability.

This update includes a new
annotation interface for relations and
dependencies, as well as an experimental dep.teach recipe.

textcat.teach now takes a file of match patterns instead of seed terms, and manual interfaces
now support lists of up to 30 labels with keyboard shortcuts. We’ve also improved the customization
of various components.

new Dependency and relation annotation interface and recipes dep.teach, dep.batch-train and dep.train-curve recipes for training a dependency parsing model. Still experimental!
new Allow using textcat.teach with a patterns file instead of seed terms.
new Support list view and keyboard shortcuts for larger label sets in manual interfaces.
new Add option to display modal with annotation instructions.
new Allow skipping examples with mismatched tokenization in add_tokens.
new Make swipe gestures optional via "swipe": true.
new Allow overwriting the host and port via PRODIGY_HOST and PRODIGY_PORT environment variables.
new Add split_sents_threshold config setting and --unsegmented command-line option to disable sentence segmentation.
new Update NewsAPI loader to use v2.
fix Prevent MySQL server from timing out between requests.
fix Correctly port over spans in split_sentences preprocessor.
fix Always add labels from examples and --labels in ner.batch-train and consistently allow loading label sets from a string or a text file.
fix Fix issue that caused print recipes to not display colors when piped to less.
fix Ensure that pre-set task meta isn’t overwritten in the PatternMatcher.
fix Show error message in the web app if view_id is invalid.
doc Add live demo for new dep interface.
doc Add Prodigy Cookbook with quick solutions to various tasks.
doc Add glossary to “First Steps” workflow.
doc Order recipes in PRODIGY_README.html table of contents by type.

v1.3.0 2018-02-01

This update introduces a new ner.make-gold recipe that lets you create
gold-standard data faster by manually correcting a model’s predictions. We’ve
also added a new pos.make-gold recipe for
annotating part-of-speech tags, as
well as converters to create spaCy training data from Prodigy datasets.

new Improved ner.make-gold workflow: run a model over your text and manually correct the entities to create gold-standard data.
new Add "ner_manual_label_style" option to display label set as list of dropdown (always uses dropdown for more than 10 labels) and add number keyboard shortcuts to list of labels.
new Experimental pos.make-gold recipe for manual POS annotation.
new Experimental and converters.
new Add option for custom label color schemes for NER and POS tagging.
new Add UI option to “flag” tasks to bookmark them for later via "show_flag" setting and a flag icon and f keyboard shortcut. Add --flagged-only setting to db-out command.
new Rename split_tokens pre-processor to add_tokens.
fix Fix rendering and use icons for whitespace tokens in ner_manual.
fix Fix rendering of RTL languages in manual interfaces via "writing_dir" setting.
fix Overwrite database settings correctly when using connect().
fix Fix bug in logging timestamp and log minutes correctly.
fix Only use colored CLI output if supported by user’s terminal.
fix Don’t disable entity recognizer in textcat.batch-train.
doc Document preprocessor components and models’ batch_train methods.
doc Fix various typos and add more examples.
doc Add docstrings to internals so they can be inspected using help().

v1.2.0 2018-01-09

This update introduces ner.manual, a new recipe and interface for
manual NER annotation. You can now
highlight one or more text spans per task and select the entity label from a
dropdown menu. To allow faster annotation and less fiddly clicking, token
boundaries are used to determine the entity spans when highlighting them. Note
that this workflow replaces ner.mark and boundaries.

new ner.manual recipe and interface for manual NER annotation.
new "card_css" option to inject custom CSS into annotation card.
new Experimental "show_whitespace" for basic ner interface.
fix Make --exclude argument and recipe option work as expected.
fix Don’t merge and modify NER spans before adding example to the database.
doc Document API of PatternMatcher model.
doc Improve formatting of available recipes in prodigy --help.
doc Fix various typos and inconsistencies.

v1.1.0 2017-12-18

new Automatically add new entity labels in ner.batch-train.
new Improve speed during NER training and allow setting the beam width via CLI.
new Filter out ignored examples before creating training and evaluation sets.
new Re-add improved version of ner.eval recipe.
new Handle broken JSONL in Reddit loader.
new Use spaCy model to assign labels in ner.print-stream.
doc Small improvements to documentation.

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