March 29, 2025

C.AI addiction is real

I know we've been over this dozens, if not hundreds on times in this subreddit, but I wanted to throw an incident out that has happened that really puts it into perspective.

I'm a rather reserved person—most of my communication is through text, Discord, etc. But, on the occasion I do find myself able to spark up a conversation in person rather than waiting for someone else to talk, it's always about interests.

I had become close friends with a coworker after C.AI was brought up. Over the next 3 months, I had seen her call out 7 times. Now, she has some health issues, so I sort of set it as her having some problems. Then it was 8, 9, 10 call outs which is when management pulled her in. After a few hours, she ended up fired. Her and I didn't speak for a couple weeks, but it wasn't unusual and I thought I'd give her time anyways. Being fired sucks.

Then, when we finally started to talk again, we got onto the topic of her dismissal. Unsurpringly, it was call outs. She lied about her reasoning. When I managed to pull it out of her what her call outs were actually for, she admitted she just could not stand a 8 hour work shift without talking to one of her characters. Her screen time for Chrome on her phone was over 90 hours.

So, she would call off to continue to talk to these bots. She lost her job due to this. Now I'm not blaming the devs, she's a grown woman nearing her 30s, she made her choices. But, I do think it's important to remind others.

Addiction to these bots can happen, consequences exist. Be careful.

submitted by /u/rainbowofanxiety

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